Online Consultation

Consult with Dr. Shyam about your health issues and find out how Ayurveda can help you.

Ailments can be treated effectively, only when properly diagnosed. For the diagnosis we must rely on information of your ailments which we gather from your inputs into our structured diagnostic protocols. Moreover, no two person’s diseases can be alike. No single medicine can be a cure for all patients suffering from a disease. As the treatment approach in Ayurveda is strictly individualistic, the treatment of the same disease varies from person to person. Hence along with the disease, the diseased also should be thoroughly assessed. It is also important to assess the health in a normal person to prevent the occurrence of diseases. The great sages of the yore have developed a well-designed formula for examining the individual and disease in a multi folded procedure.

Ayurveda consultation through interrogation, inspection, palpation, pulse diagnosis procedures; does not merely identify the symptoms of a disease but is designed to find out the root cause and the pathology. Along with the disease, the diseased also should be thoroughly assessed. Our practitioners also use laboratory investigations and Imaging technologies for a pin-point diagnosis.

Once the diagnosis is made, we shall suggest you:

  • Prescription medicines to balance the Dosha
  • Oil therapies & Panchakarma
  • Diet & Lifestyle modifications

To schedule a video consultation or telephone consultation:

Whatsapp: +971 50 6381722